Monday, July 8, 2013

Basketball, Paint and Tips

I must confess to you all that I did not see today coming. Not at all...

We began the day with sports camp at Addington Primary School. We were there to assist with the sports camp that Westville Baptist is putting on. Over 80 kids showed up day 1 on what is the school's winter break! It was as organized as anything with 80 kids and 18-20 leaders could be, and it really went off without a hitch!

We spent the afternoon working on 4 different projects to continue Westville's relationship in loving on Addington. We painted,

made mosaic tile tabletops,

wrapped books to keep them in usable shape longer,

amd took inventory of what books they did have,

The part I really didn't see coming was at dinner. E stopped into a pretty nice restaurant and had the best food we have had since we have been here. The service was really strong as well and I found myself developing a relationship with him while we ate. When the bill came, we left him a decent but not overwhelming (in an American context, it was about 20%) tip. He cried! He thanks us at least 3 times and was incredibly overwhelmed by our tip. We are being reminded all day everyday that EVERYTHING we do is a part of being a witness. I simply pray that this attitude comes home with each of us!

Every kid,


1 comment:

  1. Praying every day for each of you. It's exciting to hear how the Lord is using you to glorify Him!

    In His matchless love and grace,
